How to Prepare Your Landscape Mulch This Season
Mulching may not be at the top of my mind in the late summer months. However, protecting flower beds before the cold weather settles in can help the landscaping return bigger, better, and more beautiful in the spring. That’s why we like to plan ahead and prepare your landscape mulch for the fall season.
By late summer, your mulch in the flower beds may be fading or thinning out, which leaves plants and soil exposed to the elements. Without sufficient coverage, plants exposed to repeated freeze-thaw can’t hibernate. And that hibernation is necessary for their survival during the cold winter months.
Want some expert advice? Adding just a small layer of mulch at the end of summer or early fall can help eliminate that risk and protect the landscaping, even when temperatures begin to drop.
Preparing Your Fall Landscaping
While turning over the mulch can refresh the landscaping’s appearance, it doesn’t do much to protect the soil or plants from the elements. With just one-third the amount needed in the spring, this additional layer of mulch can help protect the landscaping and soil from seasonal changes.
Unlike spring projects, which require two to four inches of mulch, fall mulching requires much less. That’s right. All you need is just about one inch to help protect the soil during the winter months.
Not sure how much mulch to buy? The Musselman Mulch Calculator makes it easy to use the length, width, and depth to generate how many yards of mulch a project needs.
Benefits of Fall Landscape Mulch
Even in milder winter climates, plants, soil, and other vegetation need protection from the elements. Refreshing the top layer of mulch that’s broken down over time can help insulate soil and encourage microbe growth, which ultimately improves the soil.
Using Musselman mulch in the fall can help:
- Prevent erosion
- Protect plants from extreme temperatures
- Improve soil structure
- Conserve soil moisture
- Suppress weeds
- Enhance the beauty of plantings in flower beds
When cooler temperatures start moving in, consider adding a layer of mulch to your landscaping. Protecting the soil from temperature swings throughout the cold winter months will help plants grow back healthy and strong in the spring.